Googlers wrote code to process all the form data. They don’t have the time to filter out videos that don’t work - would require access to YouTube API. This is just for voting for a trophy award, they have much more important things to focus on - such as judging actual app submissions for the monetary awards.
doesnt google own youtube…?
Yes Google owns YouTube. Google has 182K employees working across various projects, apps, teams etc. YouTube employees aren’t working on Gemini API Developer Competition awards.
My guess is there is probably fewer than 5 people working on Gemini API Developer Competition stuff. Maybe they will have more judges by sharing with more Googlers to judge the app submissions themselves but those are for the financial rewards.
For a public voting system, I think they did a great job considering they have a lot of other things to focus on.
I identified all the invalid youtube links here, hopefully they will use it to filter the invalid urls.