File Containing All Submitted Project YouTube URLs and Invalid/Non-Functional Videos on Voting Page, as well as list of videos that are too short (under 30 sec) or too long (above 5 min)

Hi @Lloyd_Hightower and @luluthepooh ,
As per your request to report any spam, I wrote a script that fetches all the valid YouTube videos from the projects submitted in the competition. I then checked which videos are public and functioning correctly. This attached file contains all the YouTube videos currently displayed on the voting page. If your project isn’t listed, it means either your YouTube video is invalid/private, or your project wasn’t included in the list. I hope this clarifies and help a lot of people.

Here is the txt file containing all valid URLs with the project name

Projects missing from the YouTube links file:

CareerAdapt (Slug: careeradapt)

Content Assistant (Slug: content-assistant)

EmoSculpt (Slug: emosculpt)

Gemergency (Slug: gemergency)

Geminews 2 (Slug: geminews-2)

Ladder (Slug: ladder)

Maan-Naa (Slug: maan-naa)

Med Ref (Slug: med-ref)

Medgen (Slug: medgen)

Mohamed amaan (Slug: mohamed-amaan)

My Mermaid (Slug: my-mermaid)

Parseflow (Slug: parseflow)

Perspective-Check (Slug: perspective-check)

Quiz Master Showdown (Slug: quiz-master-showdown)

Screenchat (Slug: screenchat) (Slug: sodapycom)

Stratimux: Holism as Bifurcant to ASI (Slug: stratimux-holism-as-bifurcant-to-asi)

Tab Overview Ai (Slug: tab-overview-ai)

All these projects will be automatically disqualified since their Youtube video is invalid, unless they sent other forms of video inside the submission forum.
Total projects in JSON: 3033
Missing projects: 18

Now, let’s address the valid videos that are either too short or too long. According to the terms of agreement, any video under 30 seconds is subject to disqualification. Additionally, I’ve included videos exceeding 5 minutes in length, as they significantly surpass the maximum allowed duration of 3 minutes. My code is still running I will put a docs of all projects who are under 30 seconds and over 5 minutes here soon.

Thanks, if you wanted anything, just ask here.


I almost did the same thing. I used the original json file they gave us and that’s the same .json file that the /vote page uses to create it as well.
I remade the competition website to show all submitted apps, and on hover, you can play the submitted video - Gemini API Developer Competition - Build with Google AI

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Wow this is amazing! I’m sure it’ll help the judges a lot!


Anything to make it go faster mate :skull::joy: .

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I think you should just post a list of all the app submissions IDs here that would be disqualified for any of these conditions in markdown format as a comment. That’ll make it easier for the judges to not have to run the code itself. When you paste a long list of things inside code formatting, it’ll be a scrollable list.

Someone already did that, and it returned a list of like 3015 entries, so pretty much only 15 entries are disqualified.

But since I already have all URLs, IDs, YT video links, etc, I should probably run my own tests too.

Yeah, my code is still running, there are 3,000 projects, and it’s pulling the YouTube link durations at a rate of 5 projects every 10 seconds, haha. I’ll be posting a doc soon with videos that are under 30 seconds and those over 5 minutes. I was initially planning to convert the YouTube videos into text, create a sophisticated rating system, and have Gemini analyze and select 3 potential winners for each category. I thought it would be fun to see if it matches up with the judges’ choices! But then I realized how much it would cost me lmao.

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You can use my JSON file if you CTRL+U that page view-source:

Hahaha yeah would be overkill!

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Not worth it…

I’m thinking about doing the same thing that you’re doing, just to double check data… But let’s see if I get time to do that hah

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