Reveal the scores

Congratulations to all the winners! Especially Jayu, I think we all saw your use of Gemini and went wow! So clever. All of the winners did a great job, as did everyone else with their honourable submissions.

I’m just wondering, and it may be a long shot, but do we get to find out what we scored? My understanding is that it was out of 65 so I assume Jayu scored 60+, but I am sure we would all love to know what we each scored.

There was something like 3000 submissions so it’s understandable that this information may never get relayed back to each participant but it would be just wonderful to have a sense of closure, maybe others could agree?

Thanks everyone and nice to meet lots of you!!


I suspect it’s not all about the scores. The scores probably got the submissions shortlisted, followed by some manual human deliberation. Otherwise the winner for best game would likely have been the highest scoring app (some edutainment or eco game) rather than the actual best game.

With 3000 submissions, there’s likely a very large error range too. You’d probably have 50 submissions scoring 58, for example. Some might be lower than they should be because a judge didn’t get her morning coffee. Some might be higher after going through hours of particularly bad submissions. Is the submission scoring 58 really better than the one scoring 60?

Still, I’d appreciate score transparency and seeing judges notes, but I would understand if they didn’t want to release it.