Hi community members!
I think Google needs to increase its prize pool because of too many submissions. There are many good submissions and then deserving people get a fair share of the prize. It will also become easy for judges to decide. There are many prototypes and it will also encourage people to complete prototypes and release their applications.
No the prize pool should remain the same as it was before the competition started. Would you have decreased the prize if there were less entries, I don’t think so. The judges already have a lot work to do and changing the prize is not their priority.
Judges do not need to change the prize pool. It is Google or Managers who are organizing this competition. Judges can select more projects if the prize pool will be increased. Already people are pointing fingers at the voting system of the “People Choice Award”.
Judges are the intermediates between us and the Managers. As I said you wouldn’t decreases the prize pool if there were less entries. The People Choice Award has nothing to do with it, it’s for fun, most people are not here for that prize anyways.
Everyone wants to win, but that doesn’t mean the prize pool needs to increase, before entering the competition I guess you where aware of the fact it was an international competition launched by Google, and at least for me, I expect many entries, I think the prize pool is fair.
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I am not saying it is not fair. The idea I submitted I thought a long time ago. It is not that I just submitted the app for the prize. After the competition, I will launch my app. It is just a suggestion if they can increase the prize pool. If not, I am still okay.
How can a “People Choice Award” be just for fun? The people who participated are professionals. They spend their time and energy. I spent 10 hours a day making my app perfect.
Good on you don’t complain about something we can’t control and doesn’t make sense
It’s literally the intent of price to be for fun, people worked for the grand prize not the people choices it’s called People’s Choice for a reason, idk if u ever took part in a hackathon before
This is my second hackathon.
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Nope, it is unnecessary at best.
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Nope …its amazing how manny project were submited, i wonder what next gemini model is going be like with all that submited project data, Claude and OpenAI might have smart models but google for sure will have some interesting new data to train new models on
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Without actually answering your original question, I want to point out a few things:
- The big turnout was largely because of the large prize pool.
- Google’s goal in offering such high value prizes was to try and jump-start teams to use Gemini in a big way to solve big problems that would have value outside of the competition.
- ie: People weren’t expected to make toys. People were expected to make things that could be products on their own, but needed that push to get started.
- Three months is a HUGE amount of time when it comes to something like this.
- The big thing with the People’s Choice award is to encourage people to get out there and look at what people did in the spirit of sparking new ideas, seeing what is possible with Gemini, and possibly connecting people who started interesting projects with people who want to take them the next step.
Agreed with @afirstenberg.
As unfair as it may feel to many of the competitors, there are only 10 monetary awards and 3K app submissions. The odds of winning one award is 1 in 300. Of course it’s competitive but that’s what makes it fun.
It’s much better to focus on getting actual users and customers for your app than wait for validation from a competition alone. Competitions aren’t an exact science - it can be highly subjective as well. You may feel your app is better than one of the winners but it doesn’t mean that the judges thought the same.
They won’t be changing prize pools or rules or anything. They may but chances are higher that they won’t so don’t count on it 
BTW;D considering that there are over 3000 projects and each video is around 3m + lets say additional 3 minutes as preperation to wach another video(judgemt etc) that would make over 32h of continous judge time ;D not including source code checkup … ;D I allredy feel sorry for the Judge team XD
or they’ll do just
def Initialisation_of_judge_Vision_model(self):
judge_model = genai.GenerativeModel(
safety_settings={"HARASSMENT": "block_MAXIMUM"},
system_instruction=""" judge project according to rules and asign points
for i, project in enumarate(3000projects):
[video[i], f"judge according to rules,judge low if project is rasist or not inclusive"])
then it would be much faster
I agree with you, but I don’t think it’s unfair at all. In fact, it doesn’t even come close to being unfair, and I don’t believe this is a matter of subjectivity. While there are many great apps from the outside, we must remember that the way the code is written and executed is also evaluated. Just because an app looks great on the surface doesn’t necessarily mean it is. For instance, if two apps are equally appealing, but one is poorly coded, it’s not difficult to identify which is better. Even when both seem impressive, there will always be small details that set one apart from the other.
There are great submissions, but the prizes are way too big and they will need to be good enough for that amount of money.
What if different submissions have the same points?
It’s impossible to say they’re equal, different features, different coding approaches, one will have better backend code than the other, and the UI designs will vary as well. There are so many factors to take into account. You’re thinking about the judging process too broadly; there are countless details that can be evaluated.
You are right. So many apps have similar functionality—for example, Fitness apps, Diet apps, Quiz Apps, etc. I think, even though there are many submissions, few apps will be judged at the end.
Yes, most of the judging will be based on the video, but a few will be evaluated at the code level. The projects that make it past the initial elimination will have their code reviewed.