Minor tweaks for clarity

Dear Googlers in charge of this forum,

Know I appreciate your hard work and effort, and it’s really exciting to see this site grow so quickly, and with all this enthusiasm for building!

The more time I spend here, the more I noticed an unintended consequence of…this:

These are beautiful color codes

They are also painfully similar to each other, some of them at least.

I get this might be a me thing, but in other discourse forums my two brain cells usually identifies a topic and its category by its color code. It’s almost instinctual at this point. It helps me know without even reading anything what to expect, and what type of query the forum members are asking. It sounds minor, but I didn’t realize how much I relied on it until I came here :sweat_smile:.

Also, If you look too quickly, the names “Gemini API” and “Gemini API Developer Competition” look very similar, and as you can see, half of that latter category can get cut off. Perhaps just calling it “Developer Competition” instead may be helpful? :sweat_smile: There have already been a couple times I misinterpreted a question at first because I thought it was posted on a different category, and asking questions with respect to the competition changes the context quite a bit.

The color palette can stick with cool colors, that’s not the problem, but it would be helpful to make them just a touch more distinguishable from each other. This is just a respectful ask lol. I appreciate it!


I have an ask to add. I would like an easy way to filter out Developer Competition. I am interested in API and several other categories, and now have to cycle through them or get flooded by topics that are uninteresting (to me - obviously they appear interesting to the posters). Any advice?

Fortunately, you can actually adjust settings of individual categories with the bell button:

So if you press the Developer Competition category, and change it to “muted”, it shoudln’t appear in your “latest” category, effectively filtering them out for ya.


I tried, thank you for helping. When I select the category I want to get hidden, the bell goes away. I had googled how do I filter one category yesterday and people had pointed out that technique. There must be some administrative interface where someone can do that for me. Or have the patience to explain exactly how I can do it myself.

Maybe it’s the iPad. And that part I am not changing.

I just tried three more times and caught the constellation Category selected + Bell visible at the same time. Problem fixed.
It’s muted on the Competition category, everything else is unmuted.

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Interesting bug!

well, glad you got it resolved, at least for now!

For a while, the solution mark was also a bit borked, but that too has since been fixed.

web browsing on iPads can also come with its own quirks, and it’s usually devices like those that expose web design flaws first lol. Tablets can be weird because they’re often recognized as mobile, but have screen sizes of desktops, so if people aren’t careful when developing web stuff, it can lead to interesting results like that.

Should be a quick fix for the team though at that point.

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The standard google color scheme uses the following color’s:

  • Blue: #4285F4
  • Red: #EA4335
  • Yellow: #FBBC05
  • Green: #34A853

I’ll suggest just using those :laughing:


I updated some of these, but it doesn’t look like the change propagates to the main page :thinking:


Moderators have permission to reload the HTML of a post to update it. The settings might have an option like this for the home page, or it could also take a few minutes.


I’m pretty there’s more colors that need changing for this to take effect, but they do show up as a thin line:

They might also be cached in your browser, “incognito mode” to the rescue :laughing:


I checked and this did not seem to be the case.


I thought those on the main page were separate elements and colors specific to that html element or whatever :thinking:. This is why me and web development don’t get along :sweat_smile:.

Well, I see the changes on Latest, which is where I lurk, so I’m honestly just grateful for making the change for us!

I’m seeing what you and @keertk-google are doing, and the effort y’all are putting in to respond to people on here :wink:. It means a lot to me at least!

Thanks guys! :grin:


The color-coded Categories are helping. Thank you :pray:.

Two observations: the brown on Documentation against black background makes it even less visible.

On the same topic, Documentation. There is a big overlap between API and Documentation (a bug is often defined as a discrepancy between documented behavior and implemented behavior in software systems).

The article count shows that Documentation as a category is barely used.

The proposal: eliminate Documentation as a category and add it as a tag. That way, a documentation - to - implementation variance would be marked with both bug and documentation tags, describing that either the documentation needs to be updated to describe the observed reality, or the implementation needs to be updated to conform to the documentation.

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