When I tried to post my entry video in this forum, I received a message about my account being on temporary hold; no explanantion. I tried reaching out to Google but only got the discobot, which didn’t offer any helpful advice nor did it pass my question on to a human. And now, more recently, I received the following email from Google, again without an explanation:
We’re sorry, but your email message to [“notifications@googleaitrial.discoursemail.com”] (titled Re: [Build with Google AI] Email issue – Silenced User) didn’t work.
Your account associated with this email address has been silenced.
Why on earth is this happening? As far as I know, I didn’t do anything to warrant this action. Can anyone please explain to me:
- Why was my account put on temporary hold in the first place?
- Why has it been silenced?
- Will this in any way affect my chances to be awarded a prize?
BTW, the account in question is the one I used to post my entry, ruomini@gmail.com. The account I’m using to post this message is another of my accounts that I’m using for the obvious reason that I couldn’t post from the original one.