AutoSave Erroring Today on Multiple Devices

Hello, I am getting an error with autosave for my prompts in AI studio across multiple devices today. Anyone else seeing the same?

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It is working for me

Thanks. It’s working again for me.

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That’s why i just rely on my muscle memory of manually saving everytime lol

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Happening for me in Australia.

Error 403 to:$rpc/google.internal.alkali.applications.makersuite.v1.MakerSuiteService/CreatePrompt:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

I tried disabling IPv6, nope
I logged into a different google account, different IP, fine
I renamed my Google AI Studio within Google Drive, nope
I noticed despite doing this, my prompts still showed. Clicking the “Drive Folder” button at now took me to a shared folder of prompts from my Work account! Which was also named Google AI Studio!

I removed that shared folder as being shared with me (Google Drive > Shared with me > right click the folder and Remove), and it now works fine! :tada: :partying_face: