429 Resource has been exhausted even enrolled in paid and within quota

Hi, I have enrolled the pay-as-you-go and I believe that now Gemini 1.5-pro and 1.5-flash can both be billed for the pay-as-you-go billing.

This problem only happens to Gemini 1.5-pro API. I’ve been really careful with the request frequency and I am pretty sure that I have not been beyond the quota (around only 1000 requests), and then I would encounter 429 Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota).

Are there anyone having the same problems?

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Welcome to the forums!

If you go to the Google Cloud Console Quota page for the project where billing is enabled, does it show any quota usage?

Thanks for help! I can only see this and actually not a single quota has been used given this page.

Does it identify exactly which resource has been exhausted? (As it says on the image you posed, there are 547 possible resources.)

I’m seeing similar - but I was hoping that other accounts that do encounter the problem would see something more useful.

(Any idea, @Logan_Kilpatrick?)

Unfortunately no. The only error message is “429 Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota)”.

I also checked the quota usage in the page you referred. What is more confusing is that not a single source has any quota usage. Also, for some quota usage we are interested in, say “Request limit per model per day for a project (default)”, there is no usage bar to indicate anything. Like the following:

For some reason now I don’t have the error anymore. The only thing I did was to request the quota increase but I never received any email or message about request approval.

I facing same issue, i dont know reason

Given my experience, first I would apply for a quote increase, second I would keep using it. The quota is gradually increasing automatically given the amount and time you’ve been using the API.