Hello everyone,
since months I am searching for a good solution to generate 3-4 minute videos or at least 30 second lenght videos that I can edit together to a 3-4 minute video.
I think Google Cloud can do this, but the pricing is just above my budget since I am using it for a private usecase.
I would pay up to $100 per month for this to generate a few hands full of videos per month. (I know $100 is not a lot, but this is my budget for my privately run project)
I have tried a lot of exisiting services from AI companies for this and they all use stock footage that is being edited together automatically according to a given prompt, sadly.
I also would like to automate the generation of videos at some point.
Can you recommend me a solution that is not owned by openAI and does not cost $200 per month and also is not restricted under the EU/German law?
Thanks a lot in advance for all answers!
PS: Please keep in mind that this is the first time I would use generative AI with videos via Google.
Best wishes,