Screen stretches out of frame when gemini answers

Is anyone else experiencing this? When gemini responds with code, the chat panel is getting stretched out horizontally all the way out of frame. There is no way to scroll along. Even if you save the chat then come back to it, its still a problem.
My guess is that the markdown window in which code is presented is not being contained properly. This started after the new update this week. I am a heavy user so i would notice if it happened before.
I am using the chrome browser and tried on different devices. It is really annoying and you cannot read the responses.

Hey, I just tested this and was not able to reproduce it, can you share screenshots or prompts that cause this?


This issue was fixed and rolled out a few hours ago - could you please try again and let us know?


Great thanks, testing this morning, I will report back ASAP.

I can confirm, Its fixed. Thanks so much for the speed and attention. I am impressed!