Looking for Google AI Studio?

Google AI Studio is the fastest and easiest way to get started using Google’s latest Gemini models. Through AI Studio, you can also create and manage API keys for the Gemini API.

Today, Google also has a Generative AI Studio which is part of Google Cloud. Typically, Google Cloud is the best option for enterprise use cases as it has more customization and controls. Google AI Studio is best if you want to quickly get started and test the Gemini models.

We have more changes in the works to make it more clear how to access https://aistudio.google.com/, so stay tuned!


thanks for making it happen

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Hi, I am a complete newbie here, and wanted to know how to build an application using Gemini 1.5 in Google ai studio. I have code written in Google colab notebook, with api key and all.
I wanted to submit the code for the hackathon but they need a project id for that.
So, do i have to build it on the AI console from scratch?
If so, how? how to upload my code and get a project id?
Pl. guide. I could not find any videos. If there is any relevant link, Pl. share.

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Hey there and welcome!

Just to let you know, it’s better to make questions as new topics instead of replies so it’s easier to help :slightly_smiling_face:.

If you are submitting for the Google AI hackathon:

No, it does not need to come from the AI console.

Go here and create a new project:

Screenshot 2024-05-01 181033

An easy way to submit the actual code that most people are doing is to put your code in a github repo and submit that.

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What to fill in this compulsory field, as in how to get this number?

Again, what project gallery are they talking about?(A previous question on the same page)

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Under console.cloud.google.com , You should see this in the top left:

Screenshot 2024-05-01 190857

Where it says “Sandbox” is what would say either your organization or Google Cloud project.

Clicking that drop-down button will show your projects and their respective IDs.

afaik, you need a Google Cloud project in order to set up an API key for Gemini, so it should be the ID of whatever project you used to generate your API key for Gemini.

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Thanks for the help. My questions don’t seem to end. Actually, I borrowed the free key they are offering until May 2. So, I did not go to cloud, but enabled its use in my colab as a secret.
So, just confirming, II have to go to google cloud and build a project there, by first entering credit card details, in order to gain access, right?

I believe so. If you do not already have a Google Cloud account, you will need one so you can make a project, and thus get your Cloud project ID. I thought you needed one to access the Gemini API, but I guess I’m wrong there.

Google has a big ecosystem, so don’t fret. We’re all figuring out what goes where right now.

On the bright side, Google Cloud stuff is actually really easy to navigate and set up. It’s not like AWS. It is far more beginner-friendly and no-nonsense.


Thank you for update

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Why is Google AI Studio not mobile friendly?


any response for this quesiton?

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Thanks for sharing.It is very helpful