I have have been obsessed with App Inventor, ever since Google created it. While I was recovering from a Traumatic brain injury, Google sold it to MIT. They renamed it to App Inventor 2. But, even after my TBI, I still enjoyed using AI2. So much, I created a new ChatGPT Android app and I even published it on the Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_Localfiveguy.ChatGPTbyME
But, it doesn’t work anymore.
Because of the Traumatic Brain injury, I have a visual disability that prevents me from being able to code any other way. I have ideas for a new Gemini app, and I have been looking for a Gemini API. How do I get the Gemini API, and then use it in the AI2?
I appreciate anyone who tries to help me with this. 👍
Kind Regards,
Steven Rice