I tried using gemini 2.0 with screen capture but it didn’t seem to see my screen at all, even went as far as saying it didn’t have the ability too. I would really appreciate if anyone knows a simple solution to this.
Just a thought: Already tried a different browser?
yes i have tried 4 browsers so far and all have gave the same result.
looks like a really cool feature honestly but as i haven’t seen it work for me yet i am still skeptical if its really released yet…
This issue has been reported to the product Engineering team.
Thank you very much!
Hi folks, could you give some details to help diagnose the issue?
- Operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- Browser
- Screen resolution and DPR 1.25 (1536 X 864)
- Can you check if you’ve blocked the Camera permission for aistudio.google.com? (click on the icon to the left of the URL in Chrome and see if Camera is allowed)
- In case you’re familiar with the Javascript console:
- Any errors logged in the Javascript Console?
- What do you get if you open the Javascript Console while AI Studio is open and enter this line:
await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: {displaySurface: ‘window’ } } )
(it should show the popup to share the screen. Pick a tab or window, and then paste back here what was logged in the JS console)
Operating system: Windows 10
Browser: Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox
Screen Resolution: 1600, 900 pixels [DPR]: 1
Permissions: allowed
Also the javascript console gave me this:
await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: {displaySurface: ‘window’ } } )
MediaStream { id: “{RandomLetters123}”, active: true, onaddtrack: null, onremovetrack: null }
i get this whenever i paste the javascript code when im already screencapturing.
await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: {displaySurface: ‘window’ } } )
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: getDisplayMedia requires transient activation from a user gesture.
debugger eval code:2
debugger eval code:7
I am also facing issues with this.
I have tried on Chrome and Edge from both my Laptop and smartphone. All permissions are available to AI studio, and the stream shows up in the chat, but Gemini claims that is cannot see any video input. I have tried sharing the entire screen, windows and individual chrome tabs with no luck. I have also tried using the camera feeds on both devices. Additionally, I tried logging out and back in with my Google account. None of these steps have resolved the issue.
استخدم Markdown او BBCode اوHTML للتنسيق سحب الصور أو لصقهل
I had the same problem. It seems that the feature only works when you’re using a microphone, when using text it can’t see the screen for some reason. It also can’t see the screen if you have the microphone on but use text.