Code Submission


I have my web app nearly ready to submit, including the url to the live website, as well as the video submission.

In relation to the code submission, am I okay to submit only the frontend code (which includes the use of the Gemini API usage). Also, is this code NOT going to be shared publically, and only by judges internally?

I am concerned as well that my web app requires access to my API key’s for backend (SQL, Storage etc…) and I didn’t want to include them in the code submission, and this could prevent the judges from running the app locally.

However, I could place some dummy data for when it is ran locally to show how the service works. I hate that the code submission is a large part of the submission as the judges could simply view the website via the live link.

Please can you let me know.


I have exacly the same question but nobody gives an answer. I also have a lot of premium api keys,firebase config files my own firebase stucture. Python backend where i have my rag database and my other api key… and much more. i dont know what do do. because its verry hard for them to test it… I have the video and everything ready. I preapeared my forntend and a bit of my backend but without all keys so for them to rebuild the structure would cost a lot of time

According to a Google staff that responded earlier, code will not be shared publicly. It’s just to enable the judges verify your use of the Gemini API in the code base. For the api key, my own solution is to invalidate all my API keys when the competition is over and generate new keys.

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Hey so sorry i didnt reply earlier.

I just ended up submitting without they keys, as long as they could see the gemini implementation i believe it is fine!