AI Studio Consumes all CPU Cores, and is slow, i have six-cores i7

when running prompt, i get high cpu utilization is that a bug, or do i need NPU?


Welcome to the forum! Many people have the same experience, see for example Google AI Studio + Gemini --> UNBEARABLE lags and slowness
It has been diagnosed by fellow developers and reported to Google.

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Wonderful - Thank you for your quick reply. I wish AI Studio was as quick as you. P)


Hey! We resolved the issue that was mentioned in the thread, can you share more about the prompts you are using the system info?


Hello Patrick,
I just uploaded some normal PDFs and started making content, like contract drafts. I’m rebuilding the table of content based on the new contract sections to make reharmonized, so the tokens are slowly going up until they reach 170,000. When the AI Studio tab is open in Chrome and content is being made, the temperature rises and fans spin, and I can see that all of the CPUs are working. No matter what time I use AI Studio, it’s always the same. I have more work to do, and I’ll let you know about it here by comments. the CPU issue, based on my observations used to affect OPENAI at time point, in the early days of releasing gpt4, the browser was causing much fan - am sure this is some race in JS . but with AI Studio, it is programmed in my nerves, no matter what i use it, that fan issue takes place. am using clean installation of windows and chrome, and using these chrome extensions.

On a different Note, Could you tell me when the problem was last fixed?

this is my CPU screnshot - before refreshing the page, as i read that you have pushed an updated.

I guess the more the tokens, more the laggyness. I solved it temporarily for myself by deleting the box itself be "inspect"ing. It solved temporarily.