About the Gemini API Developer Competition category

thanks @elmstedt
A follow up question please: can we use multiple APIs in our app ?
Let’s say if our app is built upon a few other APIs to retrieve data , process speech to text etc …, is it more of a case of how to present to the panel and prove that we mainly reply on Gemini as the foundation to build our core feature?

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Honestly, anything that substantially uses the Gemini API is all that they’re after. If you can put the Gemini API into a toaster they’d almost certainly accept that (provided you comply with all of the submission requirements).

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You are free to use (pretty much) anything you want, but the central thrust of whatever you build ought to be done with the Gemini API.

For instance, if you created a near perfect stock price prediction algorithm and tacked on the Gemini API only to make a nice report out of the results you already generated with something else, that’s not a very good use for showcasing the Gemini API.

But, if you used the Gemini API to take information collected from 1,000 different places in 1,000 different formats and synthesize useful information out of that sea of data, that would showcase what can be done with the Gemini API.

Does that make it more clear?

Basically, the Gemini API should be the lynchpin of your project. If you pull it out everything collapses into a pile of rubble, but you might be able to remove any number of other components and still have something that at least mostly works as intended.


@elmstedt thanks for the prompt answer


thanks @elmstedt and toaster example was funny :joy:


Hello @keertk-google , I just want to ask as I am building Android app using kotlin in backend and XML for UI. is it okay If I use XML for UI. or I have to use jetpack-compose UI? or something else??

Please answer this question as it is very essential for me!

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Is it ok if I a make a web app that requires from the user to provide their own api key?


I’m working on a POC app that relies on the user inputting their own Gemini API key, to a local JavaScript app. ATM I’m shortcutting requirement for writing API layer to focus on fun things in Gemini. I plan on open sourcing my app after the competition so other Devs can play with it. Is this reasonable for submission? A general query over the expected code quality and finish of the submissions Vs the idea and execution, would be nice to know how this is judged so know what to focus on.

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I quote this “AI Gateway” topic to have a reply. I think it’s very important for everybody.


Can I send request to Gemini API through Vertex AI?

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Hello Moderators, I had a question about qualifying for different categories.

If I worked on developing one product for the competition but it’s available in multiple platforms, then would you qualify for all those categories or would they just pick one of the platforms or disqualify you? for example, I have a product that tells the time (poor example but it’ll do), I’ve built an android app around it and a chrome extension. Would I be eligible for both the android app category and the web app category? They are both two different repos but they are the same product?


@keertk-google , @Lloyd_Hightower : There’s a problem in the competition deadline counter on the official page here: Join the Gemini API Developer Competition  |  Google for Developers . Normally the deadline is 12 august 2024 at 11:59 PM UTC (like in kaggle competitions), but according to the counter the dedaline is 12 august 2024, 8h am UTC ??? how come? there’s 17 hours less. Now it is 12 july 2024, 8:13 PM, and the counter showing: 30
Days, 11 Hours, 46 Minutes ==> It should show 31 Days, 3 Hours, 46 Minutes (if the deadline is 12 august 2024 at 11:59 PM UTC).
Please clarify this point, as it’s very important. What is your definition of the deadline 12 August 2024: is it PDT time, UTC time, PST time and and what time exactly ?

If I use Vertex AI Agent Builder, how can I submit the related code? And what about Dialogflow CX?

Thank you

I have two questions regarding the competition and submission.

  1. Is it okay to upload my app on play console, not publish but only put there to secure name and get SHA256 keys?
  2. Is it okay to not make video public and keep it as unlisted in YouTube, then submit the link?

@Lloyd_Hightower hi
First of all, I only learned about the competition very late and had just 5 days to prepare. Today, I was about to complete my big project involving both the app and backend a few hours ago. I intended to create a video and began entering the submission details. However, after filling out just three fields, guess what happened? The electricity went out! MY Computer shutdown ! After a couple of hours, when the power was restored, I discovered that the submission period had ended. while I still awake from yesterday till now just to finish and submit but :confounded: All my hard work, late nights, and health sacrifices were in vain. Unfortunately, they didn’t offer any extension, not even an extra day or two. To top it off, I had a headache from the stress and anger :confounded:.

But since the judges will review entries between Aug - Sep 2024 why don’t give me extra days !!! i mean i worked a lot on the app + backend + training AI + a lot of other features

This is Unfair :pensive:

Hi @Lloyd_Hightower , is it necessary for the app to be completed from end-to-end. Will a prototype or MVP will work which leverage the gemini api?

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The rules said that prototypes or “unfinished” projects were all welcome. The competition already ended 6 days ago so it’s not like you can do anything about this fact anymore.


Google Zen : AI Software Engineer competing with devin

Hi @Lloyd_Hightower

I just checked my project submission and saw that it doesn’t belong to any category. I believe I mistakenly forgot to select the “Web” category. Is there any way I can update that, I fear it might not be judged under the web category if I don’t.

The name of my project is Learnaura

Thank you for your assistance.
