Will it be possible to receive text and audio data in the multimodal API?

Hi everyone,

I am wanting to using the new realtime api on the Gemini API, but I am unable to receive text AND audio, similar to how it works on Google AI studio. Is this not possible at the moment? Currently, I am using this code:

from google import genai
import os

os.environ['GOOGLE_API_KEY'] = "..."
client = genai.Client(http_options= {'api_version': 'v1alpha'})

MODEL = "gemini-2.0-flash-exp"

import asyncio
import base64
import contextlib
import datetime
import os
import json
import wave
import itertools

from IPython.display import display, Audio

from google import genai
from google.genai import types

    "generation_config": {
        "response_modalities": ["AUDIO", "TEXT"],
        "temperature": 0.65

async with client.aio.live.connect(model=MODEL, config=config) as session:
  message = "Hello? Gemini are you there?"
  print("> ", message, "\n")
  await session.send(message, end_of_turn=True)

  # For text responses, When the model's turn is complete it breaks out of the loop.
  turn = session.receive()
  async for chunk in turn:
    if chunk.text is not None:
      print(f'{chunk.text}', end="")


and get back:

ConnectionClosedError: received 1007 (invalid frame payload data) Request trace id: b7ac8bb69f1977ce, [ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: Error in program Instantiation for language; then sent 1007 (invalid frame payload data) Request trace id: b7ac8bb69f1977ce, [ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: Error in program Instantiation for language

I am unsure what this means, but assume that it means that this is not supported? If anyone from the Gemini team or anyone else can fill me in, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for a great model!


Welcome to the forum.
The Live API works, but when you use the genai import, you are using the v1beta endpoint; and Live API isn’t there yet. To get started, check this cookbook - Google Colab
You will notice that it sets URI to a v1alpha endpoint.

Hope that helps.

Doesn’t this line use the alpha endpoint?:

client = genai.Client(http_options= {'api_version': 'v1alpha'})

My code will work if I just have response_modalities as ["AUDIO"], my question is around whether you can have both ["TEXT", "AUDIO"], similar to how openai handles it.

1 Like

Good point. There‘s more that changed in the URI, there is a /ws/ prefix (indicates the Live API is a webservice). I basically think the genai wrapper is not yet compatible with the endpoint, and I have to admit that‘s just a guess.

The demo code in the cookbook just uses the most direct programming approach possible, and that works.

Hope that helps.

I noticed that when I do talk to Gemini 2.0 in the lab, it provides the text together with the audio. So the crash of the API interface probably just is a bug.
I just wonder how they make it work… Because in https://aistudio.google.com/live I get the text together with the synthesized voice data. Getting the phonemes or at least the text together with the audio response would be really helpful for syncing the voice with the lip movement of avatars, for instance from Ready Player Me, using Three JS.
I guess that’s the question we both have.

I have the same doubt, right now it works when I set
“response_modalities”: [“TEXT”]
“response_modalities”: [“AUDIO”]

But it doesn’t work for

“response_modalities”: [“AUDIO”,“TEXT”]

Is there any possible way to get both AUDIO and TEXT responses back from the model?

I have the same question.

This is what I get from API:

interface GenerativeContentBlob {
mimeType: string;
data: string;

So it seems API does not return transcript, only audio.

I think of sending audio to some audio-to-text API to get transcript but I don’t like this idea. OpenAI’s API just returns transcript together with audio.

Have you found a more elegant solution?

We are looking for the same and haven’t found anything yet on returning both Audio and Text in the response. Thinking of doing 2 requests, but don’t like that for our use case (Conversational Surveys).