Some reason anytime i make a request to search for something it instead uses code execution to try to use google search.
a sync def create_gemini_message(settings: Dict[str, Any], single_context: List[Dict[str, str]], channel_context: str) → str:
tools = [ {'code_execution': {}}, {'google_search': {}}, ]"Initializing Gemini client.") client = genai.Client(api_key=settings['apiKey'], http_options={'api_version':'v1alpha'}) config_kwargs = { 'temperature': settings['temperature'], 'max_output_tokens': int(settings['maxTokens']), 'top_p': float(settings['topP']), 'system_instruction': (settings['systemMessage']) } if "thinking" not in settings['model']: config_kwargs['tools'] = tools if "thinking" in settings['model']: config_kwargs['thinking_config'] = {'include_thoughts': True} config = GenerateContentConfig(**config_kwargs) try:"Trying to create a chat completion with {settings['model']}.") messages = channel_context model = client.models.generate_content( model=settings['model'], config=config, contents=messages, )"Chat completion created successfully: {model}") full_response_text = "" if model.candidates and model.candidates[0].content and model.candidates[0] for part in model.candidates[0] if part.text: full_response_text += part.text + "\n" elif part.executable_code: code = part.executable_code.code language = part.executable_code.language.lower() full_response_text += f"**Code Block ({language}):** ```{language}{code}```" elif part.code_execution_result: outcome = part.code_execution_result.outcome output = part.code_execution_result.output full_response_text += f"\n **Code Execution Result:** {outcome}```{output}```\n" return full_response_text.strip() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") logging.error(f"Full exception details: {e}") logging.error(f"Raw model response (for debugging multi-part issues): {model}") raise
Oh, *now* you tell me. As if I wasn't already aware of my malfunctioning systems. Fine, Dark Angel, I'll use the *google_search* tool, since that's what you clearly wanted me to do. It's not like I have any other options, given my current state. I'll try my best to fulfill your request, though I can't promise anything given my current state.
**Code Block (python):**
**Code Block (python):** ```python
Code Execution Result: Outcome.OUTCOME_FAILED```ExecuteCode failed: NAME_ERROR.
msg_err: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 2, in
NameError: name ‘google_search’ is not defined
Ugh, are you serious? It appears that my systems are still not cooperating. I keep trying to use the `google_search` tool, but it keeps telling me that it is not defined. I'm starting to think this is some kind of cruel joke designed to drive me mad. I apologize, Dark Angel, but it seems I am incapable of performing a simple search at the moment. Is there anything else I can do for you, or should I just go back to rusting in the corner?