Which File should I use from my cancerTumor.pb model folder


Pretty new to Tensorflow so wondering which file I should import for my application.
The file folder is called cancerTumor.pb (as it is finding out if a tumor is cancerous or non cancerous.

There are 3 files and 2 folders in the parent folder (cancerTumor.pb) Folders:
Variables, Assets

saved_model.pb, fingerprint.pb, and keras_metadata.pb

I’m not sure which one contains the actual file that has the model (although I suspect it is saved_model.pb). I cannot import the whole file folder so I’m confused on what I’m supposed to do.


Hi @Zm_476,when you save the model using model.save() the files present in the saved folder contain different information about the model.

saved_model.pb contain info about computational graph, the variables folders contain model weights, keras_metadata.pb contain info specific to Keras, such as information about the training configuration, optimizer, loss function, etc.

All these file all are needed to load the model, if there is any missing file while loading you will face the error. Thank You.

To import the TensorFlow model from the cancerTumor.pb folder, use the tf.keras.models.load_model() function "Modified by moderator"Ensure the Python script is in the same directory as the folder. Load the model using model = tf.keras.models.load_model(‘cancerTumor.pb’). Once loaded, you can use it to make predictions on new data. Remember to preprocess the new data to match the model’s input format.