What's the state of TensorRT for newer versions of TensorFlow?

There’s an existing thread on this: TRT Converter not working in 2.7.0 version of official image · Issue #53529 · tensorflow/tensorflow · GitHub.

Following the suggestions, I spun up a Workbench instance on GCP with TensorFlow 2.6 Enterprise which comes with TensorRT:

>>> tf.sysconfig.get_build_info()
OrderedDict([('cpu_compiler', '/usr/bin/gcc-5'),
             ('cuda_version', '11.0'),
             ('cudnn_version', '8'),
             ('is_cuda_build', True),
             ('is_rocm_build', False),
             ('is_tensorrt_build', True)])

I tried the following code:

import tensorflow as tf

resnet = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(weights="imagenet", include_top=True)

TENSORRT_MODEL_DIR = f"tensorrt-resnet"

params = tf.experimental.tensorrt.ConversionParams(
converter = tf.experimental.tensorrt.Converter(

The kernel restarts automatically when it tries to create the Converter object. I have tried with tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt too (as shown here) but it didn’t help.

Any help?


Recent tensorflow versions are build with TensorRT.


import tensorflow as tf
print("TensorFlow version:", tf.__version__)
import tensorflow.compiler as tf_cc
print(f"Linked TRT ver: {linked_trt_ver}")


TensorFlow version: 2.11.0
Linked TRT ver: (7, 2, 2)


import tensorflow as tf
print("TensorFlow version:", tf.__version__)
import tensorflow.compiler as tf_cc
print(f"Linked TRT ver: {linked_trt_ver}")


TensorFlow version: 2.12.0
Linked TRT ver: (8, 4, 3)

Could you please try with the latest version and let us know if the issue persists?

Thank you!

When I install TensorRT by deb file. Because my CUDA version is 11.8, I install TensorRT 8.5.1. Install step is
os=“ubuntuxx04” tag=“8.x.x-cuda-x.x” sudo dpkg -i nv-tensorrt-local-repo-${os}-${tag}_1.0-1_amd64.deb sudo cp /var/nv-tensorrt-local-repo-${os}-${tag}/*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/ sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tensorrt
but after sudo apt-get install tensorrt, output is:
The following additional packages will be installed:
cuda-cccl-12-1 cuda-cccl-12-2 cuda-cudart-12-1 cuda-cudart-12-2
cuda-cudart-dev-12-1 cuda-cudart-dev-12-2 cuda-driver-dev-12-1
cuda-driver-dev-12-2 cuda-nvcc-12-1 cuda-toolkit-12-1-config-common
cuda-toolkit-12-2-config-common cuda-toolkit-12-config-common
cuda-toolkit-config-common libcublas-12-2 libcublas-dev-12-2 libcudnn8
libcudnn8-dev libnvinfer-bin libnvinfer-dev libnvinfer-dispatch-dev
libnvinfer-dispatch8 libnvinfer-headers-dev libnvinfer-headers-plugin-dev
libnvinfer-lean-dev libnvinfer-lean8 libnvinfer-plugin-dev
libnvinfer-plugin8 libnvinfer-samples libnvinfer-vc-plugin-dev
libnvinfer-vc-plugin8 libnvinfer8 libnvonnxparsers-dev libnvonnxparsers8
libnvparsers-dev libnvparsers8
The following NEW packages will be installed:
cuda-cccl-12-1 cuda-cccl-12-2 cuda-cudart-12-1 cuda-cudart-12-2
cuda-cudart-dev-12-1 cuda-cudart-dev-12-2 cuda-driver-dev-12-1
cuda-driver-dev-12-2 cuda-nvcc-12-1 cuda-toolkit-12-1-config-common
cuda-toolkit-12-2-config-common cuda-toolkit-12-config-common
cuda-toolkit-config-common libcublas-12-2 libcublas-dev-12-2 libcudnn8
libcudnn8-dev libnvinfer-bin libnvinfer-dev libnvinfer-dispatch-dev
libnvinfer-dispatch8 libnvinfer-headers-dev libnvinfer-headers-plugin-dev
libnvinfer-lean-dev libnvinfer-lean8 libnvinfer-plugin-dev
libnvinfer-plugin8 libnvinfer-samples libnvinfer-vc-plugin-dev
libnvinfer-vc-plugin8 libnvinfer8 libnvonnxparsers-dev libnvonnxparsers8
libnvparsers-dev libnvparsers8 tensorrt
so if I install this TensorRT version, my CUDA upgrade from 11.8 to 12.1?