What if Gemini API is not trained on data, which idea need?

For Gemini API competition, what if Gemini API is not trained on data, which idea need?

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I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “what if Gemini API is not trained on data” and what, exactly, you’re asking.

Are you trying to say that you don’t want to fine tune a model, and if you can just use the Gemini API by providing it prompts?

yes, you got correct. Do we need to fine tune that? Hope, Google CLoud or something will be available to do that huge task. :slight_smile:

No, there is no need to fine tune a model.

The only requirement is that the Gemini API be a major component in the system.

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Taking that accuracy don’t matter, in case data is not in sync with data fed to Gemini AI.
One more concern, who will be owning the app and what will be the privacy of ideas?

Heyaa, sorry to bother there. Do you mean its optional to fine tune a model or do you mean it is not allowed for the competition?

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I am saying that the requirement is to use the Gemini API.

This may be with a fine tuned or raw model. It does not matter.

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Thank you for the update there :+1:t6: