What are these constant errors?

Guys please help!
Why is this code not working?

const tf = require('/root/node_modules/@tensorflow/tfjs');

// define the training data
const data = [
    Open: 10.0,
    High: 15.3,
    Low: 8.5,
    Close: 11.7
    Open: 11.2,
    High: 13.2,
    Low: 9.1,
    Close: 12.4

// define the model 
const model = tf.sequential();
  units: 4,
  inputShape: [4],
  activation: 'sigmoid'
  units: 1,
  activation: 'linear'
  optimizer: 'sgd',
  loss: 'meanSquaredError'

// prepare the data for training
const inputs = data.map(d => [d.Open, d.High, d.Low, d.Close]);
const labels = data.map(d => d.Close);
const xs = tf.tensor2d(inputs);
const ys = tf.tensor2d(labels);

// train the model
model.fit(xs, ys, {
  epochs: 500
}).then(() => {
  // use the model to make predictions
  const prediction = model.predict(tf.tensor2d([[11.5, 12.3, 9.5, 10.6]]));

I am getting this kind of error…

        throw new Error('tensor2d() requires shape to be provided when `values` ' +

Error: tensor2d() requires shape to be provided when `values` are a flat/TypedArray


Welcome to the Tensorflow Forum!

Since you pass a flat array to tf.tensor2d, please specify a shape as mentioned here.

Thank you!