Hey there !
I’m here to get some advice about a video classification problem, but with a constraint : I’ve to do this in a web browser. Here is the context :
I’ve to create an app to identify a composed move (with 3 distinct sub moves). So I thought to train a CNN to recognize these 3 sub moves (with MoviNet), then to decide if this is the expected composed move. However, I’ve an imposed constraint : The app should works in a web browser, so i’ts excluding using Python. Moreover it should run only on client side. Server is here only to answer the request for html/css/js (dunno why, it’s an imposed constraint.) So I’m limited to JS and TF.js.
Unfortunately, when I click on the page I linked earlier to download the starter video classification model, it seems I can only download models for TF or TFLite, which are using Python, nothing for TF.js.
Is there a way I can use a MoViNet model in a web browser environment ? May I can train the MoViNet model for my task in a python environment then convert it using tfjs-converter ? Or is this precise model to complex for a web browser ? May even the task requires too much ressources for a web browser ?
Thanks for help