Trying to stream audio and video with text response and am getting this error after sending a few video frames.
Exception Group: (ConnectionClosedError(Close(code=1007, reason=‘Request trace id: f2eca90b1ca504ce, [ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: Unexpected global shape for user_input.visi’), Close(code=1007, reason=‘Request trace id: f2eca90b1ca504ce, [ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: Unexpected global shape for user_input.visi’), True),)
Sometimes this error also appears.
Exception Group: (ConnectionClosedError(Close(code=1007, reason='Request trace id: 63186d1c63708724, [ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: Image tensors read from serialized content '), Close(code=1007, reason='Request trace id: 63186d1c63708724, [ORIGINAL ERROR] generic::invalid_argument: Image tensors read from serialized content '), True),)