Unable to see base mode 1.5 pro in while fine tuning in ai studio

In the billing section, I can see API keys to gemini 1.5 pro, and I have also set up the billing in google cloud.

Not sure if 1.5 pro is available for fine tuning through google ai studio. I am sure it is available for fine tuning through vertex ai.

Hi @Hridesh_Singh, Welcome to the forum!!

1.5 pro is not available for fine tuning in AI Studio, only 1.5-flash-001 is currently available for tuning. You are correct 1.5-pro-002 is available in Vertex AI for tuning.


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Thanks @Govind_Keshari :slight_smile:
I thought it has something to do with google cloud billing.

But i might have seen some of the youtubers have access. Unable to find those videos.

Hey @Hridesh_Singh,

Earlier 1.0 pro model was also available for tuning in AI Studio, discontinued now. But available in Vertex AI (1.0-pro-002). Nothing to do with billing.