Trouble loading keras_model.h5 in my project

In my gesture recognition project, after i gave lines

model_path = ‘models//keras_model.h5’

labels_path = ‘models//labels.txt’

model = keras.models.load_model(model_path)

classifier = Classifier(“model_path”, “labels_path”)

im facing issues with that keras_models.h5 file in vs code while executing my code. Pls someone help me in this as i have my final year project viva in a week. For ur reference i’ll share the github link frm where i took my code for project–> GitHub - PriyanshChhabra0316/Sign-Language-detection

pls if u find the solution tell me ways to correct the code.

Hi @Suraj_Jai_krishna Welcome to the Tensorflow forum ,

It seems like you’re trying to load a Keras model and then instantiate a custom Classifier object using the model and label paths. However, you’re encountering issues with the keras_model.h5 file while executing your script in VS Code.

Check File Paths

Ensure the paths to your model and labels files are correct and accessible. Sometimes, relative paths can cause issues if the current working directory is not as expected.

model_path = 'models/keras_model.h5'
labels_path = 'models/labels.txt'

Verify Model File
Ensure that keras_model.h5 is a valid Keras model file. You can try loading it in a separate Python script to verify.

import keras

    model = keras.models.load_model('models/keras_model.h5')
    print("Model loaded successfully")
except Exception as e:
    print("Error loading model: {e}")

Check Keras and TensorFlow Versions

Compatibility issues between different versions of Keras and TensorFlow can cause problems. Ensure that the version you are using to load the model matches the version used to save it.

import keras
import tensorflow as tf

print("Keras version: {keras.__version__}")
print("TensorFlow version: {tf.__version__}")

Classifier Initialization

Ensure that your Classifier class is correctly implemented and can accept the paths as arguments. Here’s an example structure:

class Classifier:
    def __init__(self, model_path, labels_path):
        self.model = keras.models.load_model(model_path)
        with open(labels_path, 'r') as file:
            self.labels =
    # Add other methods for the classifier

Then initialize it correctly in your script

classifier = Classifier(model_path, labels_path)

Debugging in VS Code

Utilize VS Code’s debugging tools to set breakpoints and step through your code. This can help identify where exactly the error is occurring.

You can Try these Methods to Resolve the Issues

Thank You !