TFX Trainer component error

While running the following pipeline, ->(tfx/tfx/examples/penguin/ at master · tensorflow/tfx · GitHub)

Module file am using-> tfx/tfx/examples/penguin/ at master · tensorflow/tfx (

I am facing error in Trainer Component as

Failed to Convert elements of SparceTensor(indices=Tensor(“DeserilizeSparse_121:0”, shape=(None,2) dtype=int64), values=Tensor(" DeserilizeSparse_121:1", shape=(None, ), dtype=int64), dense_type=Tensor("Stack_121:0 ",shape=(2, ), dtype=int64) ) to Tensor

Quick question - what version of Python are you using?

Python == 3.8.10
tfx == 1.13.0
tensorflow == 2.12.1

We’ve just released TFX 1.14.0, could you try it with that?