Trying to build tflite with cmake, as an installable package. With folder containing:
-tensorflow_src (repo)
Running from tflite_build:
cmake ../tensorflow_src/tensorflow/lite -DTFLITE_ENABLE_INSTALL=ON
I get the following error:
-- Configuring done
CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:
Target "tensorflow-lite" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contains
which is prefixed in the build directory.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "absl_flags" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "absl_hash" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "absl_status" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "absl_strings" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "absl_synchronization" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "absl_variant" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "ruy" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "pthreadpool" that is not in any export set.
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "tensorflow-liteTargets" ...) includes target "tensorflow-lite" which requires target "XNNPACK" that is not in any export set.
-- Generating done
CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
I’ve tried moving the folder, but unsure how I could change where tf puts this folder during build (gemmlwop).