Hi all,
I am having successfully ran Android and Reactjs project with my custom tflite files.
I am working on a windows 10 machine and trying to migrate into React Native. I found the following recourses but they have all failed to work.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSLY59X5iaA
The above is an expo project. I need to work in bare react native project. So I created the project using
npx react-native init test
However, when I tried to setup expo using the following instructions (Install Expo modules in an existing React Native project - Expo Documentation).
Unfortunately, I got this error:
› Installing ios pods…
pod install
Couldn’t install Pods. Updating the Pods project and trying again…
pod install --repo-update
Couldn’t install Pods. Updating the Pods project and trying again…
Uncaught Error CocoaPodsError: Commandpod install
└─ Cause: spawn pod ENOENT
‘pod’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
I am on windows machine is there anyway I can resolve the above issue?
- react-native-tflite-camera
- tflite-react-native
I have tried the above non-expo components but they have lots of unmet dependencies issues and I cannot get them running. Anyone has a working configuration to share the package.json file?
Or is there another working resource which run tflite custom object detection on react native?