TF Probability distributed training?

Is there a proper way to perform distributed training on TF Probability with mirrored strategy?

When we sample the weights from the Reparameterization layers they will be a lot different between between each device and bc of that this will mess up the loss and gradients as my model replicas out of sync between the devices.

Is there a proper way to set the random seed across all GPUs and sync the models across all nodes?


Hello @piEsposito

Thank you for using TensorFlow,

The api tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy documentation, Each variable in the model is mirrored across all the replicas. Together, these variables form a single conceptual variable called MirroredVariable . These variables are kept in sync with each other by applying identical updates.

strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy()
with strategy.scope():

tf.random.set_seed function is used to set the seed. In a distributed setup, we have to manually set seed to make sure all devices are initialized with same seed.

Thank you.