TensorflowJS & react-native > 0.59.10


I’m trying a POC with tfjs and react-native. I would like to use reaact-native 0.64.3.
According to the readme tfjs-react-native is only tested up to 0.59.0.

If I try to install tfjs-react-native it fails due to conflicting react versions.

I also tried plain tfjs but there I receive the error “Cannot proceed with model loading because the IOHandler provided does not have the load method implemented.”

Whats the recommendation to use tfjs with react-native > 0.60.0? I was not able to find any guides or similar problems.

Kind regards

HI @schoepft ,

I apologize for the late response. The best way to implement ML in a react-native app is to use the tfjs-react-native framework. It’s a wrapper around the tensorflowJs.

Currently, tfjs-react-native@latest is most compatible with react-native version 0.72.0 or later. As mentioned in the tfjs-react-native peer dependencies link.

Thank You!!