Tensorflow.dll vs tensorflow_cc.dll

Tensorflow 2.10.0 Building from source . What is the difference between building //tensorflow:tensorflow.dll and //tensorflow:tensorflow_cc.dll
In my pc tensorflow.dll build was success but tensorflow_cc.dll build was failed with link.exe LNK1120 link error.
Is there any specific changes to be done for building tensorflow_cc.dll
Steps followed from the following link: Build TensorFlow from Source on Windows 10 | by Ibrahim Soliman | ViTrox-Publication | Medium


  1. tensorflow.dll:
  • This DLL is typically built for use with the TensorFlow Python API. It includes the necessary components to run TensorFlow models within a Python environment.
  • It is designed to support TensorFlow operations and functionalities that are exposed to Python via the TensorFlow Python bindings.
  1. tensorflow_cc.dll:
  • This DLL is intended for use with the TensorFlow C++ API. It includes the necessary components to run TensorFlow models within a C++ environment.
  • It is designed to support TensorFlow operations and functionalities that are exposed to C++ via the TensorFlow C++ bindings.
  • Building tensorflow_cc.dll usually requires additional dependencies and configurations specific to the C++ API, which can be more complex and prone to issues.

Additionally, please update to TensorFlow version 2.16 for more functionality and try again. Let us know if the issue still persists.

Hope this helps ,

Thank You .