Great book suggestions to learn TensorFlow
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Let me start with a very good one if you are starting with Machine Learning and is already a developer:
AI and Machine Learning for Coders
It’s very easy to follow and shows some good use cases and a lot of hands on code to try.
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Another great suggestions is Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras & TensorFlow
This book has a lot of important theory about AI and ML and also the technical perspective of it using TensorFlow in most of the book.
I suggest two more books.
- “Deep Learning with Python” for learning Keras API and TF. I guess 2nd edition will be out this year.
- “Deep Learning with Javascript” for TF.js
I translated Hands-on ML and DL with Python into Korean. And I will translate DL with javascript and AI for ML for Coders this year. All four books is really excellent!
Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet. Apart from that, the one by Geron is my favorite.