TensorFlow 2.13 Branch Cut and Release Dates

Hello All,

I wanted to share that the branch cut week for TensorFlow 2.13 starts 20th April and ends on 26th April 2023. We expect to release the final version within 4 weeks of the branch-cut date. Please get all your changes and features in by 19th April 2023.

Please note that for the TF 2.13 release:

  • We plan to have only two RCs (RC0 and RC1)
  • The branch cut week means the branch cut can happen any day of that week. Hence, please get all your changes and features in by 19th April 2023. After 19th April, there is no guarantee for new code to be included/cherry picked. We are targeting this extra week to ensure collaborators can get their last minute bug fixes in, to pick the best commit (all green) and to get all the security vulnerability fixes in.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
