I am working with TensorFlowLiteTaskVision and a custom trained model, and I am getting this error:
Tensorflowlitetaskvision Output tensor at index 0 is expected to have 3 dimensions, found 2.
Searching it up online, I had saw that it was some issue with the new versions of tensorflow. How would I solve this in swift with Tensorflowlitetaskvision?
I’m not sure what version of Tensorflow it is (since I had downloaded TensorFlowLiteTaskVision only) , but I think TensorFlowLiteTaskVision is version 0.4.1 if the bundle string is to be believed.
Hi, thanks I tried this however I’m still getting the error.
I also tried checking the version of TensorFlowLiteTaskVision in the Pods page, but the info tab has disappeared. I only see “Resource Tags” “Build Settings” “Build Phases” “Build Rules” there now.
Is there anything else I can do?