Tensor Dimensions Error - TensorFlowLiteTaskVision

I am working with TensorFlowLiteTaskVision and a custom trained model, and I am getting this error:
Tensorflowlitetaskvision Output tensor at index 0 is expected to have 3 dimensions, found 2.

Searching it up online, I had saw that it was some issue with the new versions of tensorflow. How would I solve this in swift with Tensorflowlitetaskvision?


Could you please provide on which versions of Tensorflow and TensorFlowLiteTaskVision the issue is ?

Thank you!

I’m not sure what version of Tensorflow it is (since I had downloaded TensorFlowLiteTaskVision only) , but I think TensorFlowLiteTaskVision is version 0.4.1 if the bundle string is to be believed.

It is the latest version from my knowledge.


Add the TensorFlowLiteTaskVision pod in the Podfile.

target 'MyAppWithTaskAPI' do
   pod 'TensorFlowLiteTaskVision','~> 0.4.3'

Thank you!

Hi, thanks I tried this however I’m still getting the error.
I also tried checking the version of TensorFlowLiteTaskVision in the Pods page, but the info tab has disappeared. I only see “Resource Tags” “Build Settings” “Build Phases” “Build Rules” there now.
Is there anything else I can do?


Since it is a bug, please create an issue on github for the fix.

Thank you!

My pod file ^

My targets ^

Oh, I see. Will do so.