Submitting Video Games

So, many folks seem to be asking about whether or not they can submit just the “Gemini” parts of an app, or submit only the relevant parts that are relevant to this competition.

For the most part, I thought I had a good idea as to what the answer is, at least until recently when I came up with an idea for a video game I could do. And now I’m the one asking the question:

What should we do when we want to submit a video game?

Submitting game code is not like submitting app code. Also, one would need to submit the correct executable in order for the judges to play it. This creates problems, and I can make a safe guess judging video game code is going to force the judges to sift through a lot of code that will likely be scattered all over the place.

I, and many others who have done game development in the past, are going to use tools like Unity to do this.

This is an entire category of app to win prizes for, so we have to consider there’s going to be a lot of these.

How should we proceed?


Generally speaking, I think it’s a good idea to make your game as accessible as possible.

The judges will have lots of submissions to sift through and may only have a few minutes to look at your project, at least initially. So, my best advice is to record a playthrough of your game and edit the video down into a 2-3 minute highlight reel that explains what your game is about and how you have used Gemini.

I’ll also recommend that you submit a description with your code that explains how you’ve used Gemini and where to look.

This is just my two cents, so we may need someone like @Lloyd_Hightower to come and tell us what the best practices are when submitting a video game :laughing:


Hey that’s pretty accurate @N2U. With the high volume of submissions expected, it’s crucial to clearly demonstrate how Gemini was used in your project. While our judges won’t be able to meticulously review every line of code, highlighting the specific ways you leveraged Gemini’s capabilities will significantly help them evaluate your entry. The main focus is to clearly illustrate how the Gemini API played a pivotal role in your game. Explaining where to look and how you used Gemini will make it very simple for our judges.


Sounds good!

Is it still acceptable to send (alongside the code) a .exe and .dmg file for this?

Now, that I think of it I wouldn’t be surprised if people submit malicous code to try to hack the reviewers computers.

Welp, we definitely don’t want that :sweat_smile:.

The tricky part though is how else am I supposed to submit an actual playable video game for the reviewers?

The rules state you must submit the following:

Then, submit the following information: (1) first name; (2) last name; (3) email address; (4) Country/Territory of Residence; (5) upload Your video; and (6) supporting code (collectively, the “Submission”).

It does not require you to submit a playable game.

I mean, on a technicality, sure, but that’s no fun :rofl:. Also, I don’t even know how I personally would review a game without being able to play it. I would not consider that a game at that point, considering half the challenge imo would be “does it work”? :sweat_smile:

I’m not sure how they’re going to review 1000+ apps of a variety of sorts, but that’s a whole other question.

I assume having you provide the code is so they can at least take a cursory look at the code to see if it’s doing anything even close to what you say.

I’m currently at a place in my project where I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately.
I’m using Unreal Engine and have a lot of custom C++ classes, a lot of Blueprint visual scripting, plugins, etc.
My app uses ARCore and I have an APK, so I think I’ll submit the APK with the C++ code for the custom classes and essential plugins.

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fwiw, I’m planning on building it for WebGL, and placing it on Idk how “safe” this would be (I won’t know until I try it), but it’s the easiest way to make it playable for everyone. Idk what UE5 can do, but they’re a better engine than Unity, so I’m sure they have some kind of WebGL option. An APK should also work I’m sure. Or hell, maybe both!

In terms of code submission; I’m just gonna do a write-up that explains how everything works, and zip up all my C# scripts to submit. Thankfully, the only things that aren’t scripts are just prefabs and art, so if someone reads my code they’ll know exactly how everything works.