Some errors on sigmoidGrad

Hi guys, i´m new here and in tensorflow world.

I´m trying to convert un model to onnx file. I´m using tf2oonx package and give me this errors.

ERROR - Unsupported ops: Counter({‘SigmoidGrad’: 2, ‘StridedSliceGrad’: 1})
ERROR - Tensorflow op [StatefulPartitionedCall/gradient_tape/grad_cam__class/model/Head_fc/swish_activation_1/Sigmoid/SigmoidGrad: SigmoidGrad] is not supported
ERROR - Tensorflow op [StatefulPartitionedCall/gradient_tape/grad_cam__class/model/Head_out_fc/Sigmoid/SigmoidGrad: SigmoidGrad] is not supported

I dont know if i´m in the right place, sorry if i´m not.
Best regards Gonçalo Marques

Hello @goncalo_Lopes

Thank you for using TensorFlow
The error indicates that SigmoidGrad and SigmoidSliceGrad are not supported in the onnx library which you were using consider updating the onnx package and try the conversion process. If still it is throwing the error, try replacing sigmoid with another activation function with similar functionality which is supported by onnx in their support status documents.