I’m new to using TensorFlow.
I’m trying to take advantage of the parallelization performances to solve PDEs.
I wrote the attached code to solve a simple heat equation on a cubic domain, using finite differences and then tested the execution with CPU and GPU.
I found the GPU very fast for time iterations (16 seconds vs 64 seconds using CPU). However, the initialisation time is enormous if compared with the GPU one (and thus producing a total execution time that is larger than the CPU one); indeed:
CPU (Tensorflow version is: 2.6.0):
initialisation of DXYZ, elapsed: 0.003410 sec
U variable, elapsed: 0.001667 sec
s2 tensor, elapsed: 0.000479 sec
total initialization: 0.005556 sec
solution, elapsed: 64.972245 sec
TOTAL, elapsed: 64.977802 sec
GPU(Tensorflow version is: 2.4.1):
initialisation of DXYZ, elapsed: 428.317861 sec
U variable, elapsed: 0.199900 sec
s2 tensor, elapsed: 0.000174 sec
total initialization: 428.517935 sec
solution, elapsed: 16.511286 sec
TOTAL, elapsed: 445.029221 sec
My suspect is this depends on the graph construction (the first time Tensorflow is invoked is to build 3 tf. constant of size 1 and this operation took the vast majority of the time)
Is this a normal behaviour or does this depends on how I installed TensorFlow? I installed both versions with anaconda: install tensorflow using anaconda.
Is there a way to speed up the process?
import numpy as np
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
print('GPU device' )
print('CPU device' )
print('Tensorflow version is: {0}'.format(tf.__version__))
class ResultWriter:
def __init__(self, config={}):
self.width = 1
self.height = 1
self.depth = 1
self.samples = 1
self.dt_per_plot = 1
self.not_saved = True
self.prefix_name = 'cube3D'
for key, val in config.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
n = int(self.samples//self.dt_per_plot)
self.cube = np.zeros([n, self.height, self.width, self.depth], dtype=np.float32)
self.counter = 0
def imshow(self,VolData):
self.cube[self.counter,:,:,:] = VolData
self.counter = self.counter + 1
def wait(self):
if self.not_saved:
self.not_saved = False
for x in [0,1,2]:
def save(self):
fname = '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}'.format(self.prefix_name,self.height,self.width,self.depth)
print('saving file {0}'.format(fname))
np.save(fname, self.cube)
def __del__(self):
if self.not_saved:
def laplace(X0,DX,DY,DZ):
padmode = 'symmetric'
paddings = tf.constant([[1,1], [1,1], [1,1]])
X = tf.pad(X0, paddings=paddings, mode=padmode)
dxsq = DX*DX
dysq = DY*DY
dzsq = DZ*DZ
lapla = ((X[0:-2,1:-1,1:-1] -2.0*X[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + X[2:,1:-1,1:-1])/dxsq
+ (X[1:-1,0:-2,1:-1] -2.0*X[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + X[1:-1,2:,1:-1])/dysq
+ (X[1:-1,1:-1,0:-2] -2.0*X[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + X[1:-1,1:-1,2:])/dzsq )
return lapla
class HeatEquation:
The heat equation model
def __init__(self, props):
self.dx = 1.0
self.dy = 1.0
self.dz = 1.0
for key, val in config.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
then = time.time()
self.DX = tf.constant(self.dx)
self.DY = tf.constant(self.dy)
self.DZ = tf.constant(self.dz)
elapsed = (time.time() - then)
tf.print('initialisation of DXYZ, elapsed: %f sec' % elapsed)
self.tinit = elapsed
def run(self, im=None):
# the initial value of the variable
u_init = np.full([self.height, self.width,self.depth], 0.0, dtype=np.float32)
u_init[:,1,:] = 1.0
#define a source that is triggered at t=s2_time: : vertical (2D) along the left face
s2_init = np.full([self.height, self.width,self.depth], 0.0, dtype=np.float32)
s2_init[:self.height//2, :self.width//2,:] = 1.0
then = time.time()
U = tf.Variable(u_init, name="U" )
elapsed = (time.time() - then)
tf.print('U variable, elapsed: %f sec' % elapsed)
self.tinit = self.tinit + elapsed
then = time.time()
s2 = tf.constant(s2_init,name="s2")
elapsed = (time.time() - then)
tf.print('s2 tensor, elapsed: %f sec' % elapsed)
self.tinit = self.tinit + elapsed
tf.print('total initialization: %f sec' % self.tinit)
padmode = 'symmetric'
paddings = tf.constant([[1,1], [1,1], [1,1]])
then = time.time()
for i in tf.range(self.samples):
U0 = tf.pad(U[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1], paddings=paddings,mode=padmode,name='boundary' )
U1 = U0 + self.diff * self.dt * laplace(U0,self.DX,self.DY,self.DZ)
U = U1
if i == int(self.s2_time / self.dt):
U = tf.maximum(U, s2)
# draw a frame every 1 ms
if im and i % self.dt_per_plot == 0:
image = U.numpy()
elapsed = (time.time() - then)
print('solution, elapsed: %f sec' % elapsed)
print('TOTAL, elapsed: %f sec' % (elapsed+self.tinit))
if im:
im.wait() # wait until the window is closed
if __name__ == '__main__':
config = {
'width': 64,
'height': 64,
'depth': 64,
'dt': 0.1,
'dt_per_plot' : 10,
'diff': 1.5,
'samples': 10000,
's2_time': 210
for key,value in config.items():
model = HeatEquation(config)
im = ResultWriter(config)
im = None