SIG Build’s next meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3, at 2pm Pacific time. Find the meeting details at, and feel free to suggest new agenda items. We don’t have a lot of items on the agenda yet, so it may be a short meeting.
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A late summary for our meeting on Tuesday:
- Welcome Rishika, a new TF TPM taking over for Douglas on the TF release and coordination. Douglas will be focusing on build collaboration efforts with other companies
- TF 2.9 final release expected for May 10 at the earliest, 2.10-2.12 expected to conform to a quarterly release schedule with planned 2.10 branch cut date on June 28
- More CI jobs moved to Docker, now investigating some issues like pylint inconsistency and missing results on commit status
- TF team is choosing the right timing for the next CUDA update – maybe 11.8 since it coincides with new hardware.
The missing check results for the new “Py+Cpp” jobs are now back on the commit list: Commits · tensorflow/tensorflow · GitHub