RHEL9.3 version OS need an details version of Python , Tensorflow and supporting packges to install to enable GPU compute?
Hi @Radha_Krishnan ,
Welcome to TensorFlow Forum ,
the Required Versions
- Python: Python 3.8 to 3.10 are generally compatible with the latest TensorFlow versions.
- TensorFlow: TensorFlow 2.11.0 or later, which supports GPU acceleration.
- CUDA: CUDA Toolkit 11.2 or later.
- cuDNN: cuDNN 8.1 or later.
- NVIDIA Drivers: Compatible with the installed CUDA Toolkit version.
You can refer this the latest CUDA Toolkit compatible with your NVIDIA GPU from the official NVIDIA website
- Download the corresponding cuDNN library version that works with your CUDA Toolkit version from NVIDIA website .
Hope this Helps ,
Thank You !