Real-time chat conversation with Open AI and other tools

I am using Open AI API key to create a chatbot but it has limited knowledge and i wanted to create a real time chatbot so what extra tools or APIs i should use to get real-time/current information.

Hi @Madhu_Patel!

Sorry for the self-advertizing :slight_smile:
But could you take a look at my project?
It is basically a modularized ai chat framework which runs on Firebase infrastructure. At the moment it supports Gemini and OpenAI.
The output is stored to firestore so the chat app is really simple.
There’s also a sample mobile app included.
I hope you find it useful.

You can take a look at using Gemini instead of OpenAI/GPT.

Gemini has a “Search Grounding” tool which will help ground queries to factual information from Google Search. See Grounding with Google Search  |  Gemini API  |  Google AI for Developers for more info.