Output layer y=some_function

i’m find solution

from keras import backend as K

def binaryActivationFromTanh(x, threshold) :

    # convert [-inf,+inf] to [-1, 1]
    # you can skip this step if your threshold is actually within [-inf, +inf]

    activated_x = K.tanh(x)

    binary_activated_x = activated_x > threshold

    # cast the boolean array to float or int as necessary
    # you shall also cast it to Keras default
    # binary_activated_x = K.cast_to_floatx(binary_activated_x)

    return binary_activated_x

x = Input(shape=(1000,))
y = Dense(3, activation=binaryActivationFromTanh)(x)

for my example i’m have

y = [


how create

def binaryActivationFromTanh(x, threshold) :
binary_activated_x = ???

a0 = [6,5]
a1 = [9,11,2]
a2 = [3,7,6]

binary_activated_x [0][0] => some_func(a0)
binary_activated_x [0][1] => some_func(a1)
binary_activated_x [0][2] => some_func(a2)

return binary_activated_x

in my example
act =‘relu’
model = Sequential()


model.add(Dense(34*2, activation=act, input_dim=34))


model.add(Dense(34*100, activation=act))   #160 000 


model.add(Dense(51, activation=btcActAbg))     # ERROR NOW
model.compile( optimizer='adam',loss='mse',metrics=['acc'])

Hi @Vit_Saha

The error log stats that you need provide one argument as defined in the activation function which is causing the error. Please provide the threshold value while using the defined custom activation function to fix the error.