[Opinion needed] What community programs would you like to see in 2022?

Hi everyone!

I would love to hear from you: the TensorFlow Community!!!

In order to consistently provide value to our members, I would like to hear what programs or initiatives you would like to see in the TensorFlow Community this year?

More events? tutorials? resources for advanced learners or beginners? Please share your needs and ideas in this thread! :point_down:t4: :grinning:

Thank you in advance and I wish you a great year ahead!

PS: I hope to see you soon at one of our events :tada:



I think there could be special events based on themes, for example, a special event about games, where people who are developing something focused on games can talk about their projects, and there could also be training on the subject.

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I would really like if we could increase the community engagement in coding and maintainership of components.

I think that if we could clearly comunicate, regularly and across the ecosystem, on what kind of coding activities we want to have the community support It would be great.

We could also better recognize and engage more regular contributors if we can create a codeownership policy on components.

Another interesting program could be to organze some hackatlon sessions over the year with or without bounties (e.g. Google Cloud credits etc…).

We could also have a program to attract more non Google research entities to increase diversity in the research ecosystem. I think that we could do this with special care on the different reproducible research initiatives promoting the use of Tensorflow, Models Garden and Tensorflow Dataset.

I think that we could also allocate some Cloud resources for training jobs or storage when a new reference dataset or model is going to be contributed in the ecosystem.