NLP machine learning translation

Hello everyone

I’m having this issue with my project. I’m working on a language translation (i.e to convert english to french) but the issue I’m having is that our do i preproces my training labels, i tired to tokenized it but it’s not working, i tried embedding it to it’s now working, I’m just stuck, please i need help on it. the link to the code on my Github: Deep-learning-machine-learning-project/french_translation.ipynb at main · olowu289/Deep-learning-machine-learning-project · GitHub

Hi @Olowu_David

Welcome to the TensorFlow Forum!

There are few example code available in which you can refer to make the for “English to French” language translation model as per you requirement. Please check these KerasNLP docs on English-to-Spanish translation with KerasNLP and English-to-Spanish translation with a sequence-to-sequence Transformer which might be helpful to you. Thank you.