Need help with google cloud networking

Hi, I am stuck with google cloud setup for two weeks now.
I have nearly finished but te last thing kills me and its networking.

My project consists from Django rest framework backend and Flutter forntned.
The backend is hosted on Cloud Run and database on Cloud SQL.

I have a local setup that uses docker-compose nad cloud-sql-proxy, and a github workflow that deploys only the docker container with backned to cloud.
For cloud setup, I need to use private ip of the database, since cloud sql proxy can’t be used there? (correct me if I am wrong).

It kills me. The networking setup seems broken, since I created custom subnet in custom network, and Cloud SQL did not allow me to pick that. It automatically created an “private access allocated ip range”

When i try to connect Coud Run service to this “allocated range”, it is not available, i can only pick my subnet.
btw its crazy how much setup is needed for it to work…
If someone knows the topic please help

it turns out after double check, the setup i did is exacty what it is supposed to be.
It works now