I have followed the (आईओएस क्विकस्टार्ट | TensorFlow Lite) tensorflow ios quickstart guide and am able to successfully run a tflite classification efficientnet(uint8 input and output) model in ios using swift code. But when I try to replace the model with another model(float32 input and output, trained by me), i get the following error code
Failed to create the interpreter with error: NOT_FOUND: Input tensor has type kTfLiteFloat32: it requires specifying NormalizationOptions metadata to preprocess input images.
Would like to get some help on how to change the code so that my float32 tflite model will work
link to the imageclassificationhelper.swift file (examples/lite/examples/image_classification/ios/ImageClassification/TFLite/ImageClassificationHelper.swift at master · tensorflow/examples · GitHub)