Is there a path through XLA that generates MLIR directly from an HLO graph? Preferably not in the tf dialect, as not many other projects understand it. Using the mhlo dialect would probably be viable (we can use mlir-hlo to convert it), but being able to lower it down to linalg (and in future tcp) would be best.
Looking at this document tells me that there is an interest, at least for GPUs, but I’m not sure how far is that effort.
If we wanted to build such a code-gen device, what would be the best place to start?
We’re interested initially in CPU targets, but ultimately, such an effort would make sense for all targets.
/cc @thea@Mehdi_AMINI It was not explained in the official SIG OpenXLA announcements on this forum but I suppose that here, using the XLA and MLIR labels, we are going to restrict these labels to TF bridges related topics and probably we could find a better name for these labels on the forum and on the Github TF repository.