Loading Keras Model with Custom Optimizer Returns None: Seeking Solutions

I’m encountering an issue when loading a model that uses a custom optimizer to scale the learning rate of layers. Here’s the optimizer code:

def scaling_factor(alpha, layer_index):
    Compute the scaling factor for a given layer index based on the formula:
    s(t) = 1 - e^{-alpha * l}
    - alpha (float): The alpha value used in the scaling formula.
    - layer_index (int): The index of the layer.
    - float: The computed scaling factor for the layer.
    return 1 - tf.exp(-alpha * layer_index)

def get_all_layers(model):
    Recursively retrieve all layers from a model, including those inside nested sub-models.
    - model (tf.keras.Model): The input model.
    - list: A list of all layers in the model.
    layers = []
    for layer in model.layers:
        if isinstance(layer, tf.keras.Model):  # Check if the layer is a sub-model
    return layers

class LayerwiseLROptimizer(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam):
    Custom optimizer that scales the learning rate for each layer based on its index.
    Inherits from the Adam optimizer but can be adapted to other optimizers.
    def __init__(self, alpha=None, model=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize the optimizer.
        - alpha (float): The alpha value used in the scaling formula.
        - model (tf.keras.Model): The model whose layers' learning rates will be scaled.
        super(LayerwiseLROptimizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.all_layers = get_all_layers(model)
        self.layer_multipliers = [scaling_factor(self.alpha, i+1) for i in range(len(self.all_layers))]

    def _resource_apply_dense(self, grad, var, apply_state=None):
        Apply the scaled gradient to the variable.
        - grad (tf.Tensor): The gradient tensor.
        - var (tf.Variable): The variable to be updated.
        - apply_state (dict, optional): A dictionary containing optimizer-specific information.
        - tf.Operation: The operation that applies the gradient update.
        for i, layer in enumerate(self.all_layers):
            if var in layer.trainable_variables:
                sf = self.layer_multipliers[i]
            sf = 1.0
        adjusted_grad = grad * sf
        return super(LayerwiseLROptimizer, self)._resource_apply_dense(adjusted_grad, var, apply_state)

    def _resource_apply_sparse(self, grad, var, indices, apply_state=None):
        Apply the scaled gradient to the variable for sparse gradients.
        - grad (tf.Tensor): The gradient tensor.
        - var (tf.Variable): The variable to be updated.
        - indices (tf.Tensor): A tensor of indices into the first dimension of var.
        - apply_state (dict, optional): A dictionary containing optimizer-specific information.
        - tf.Operation: The operation that applies the gradient update.
        for i, layer in enumerate(self.all_layers):
            if var in layer.trainable_variables:
                sf = self.layer_multipliers[i]
            sf = 1.0
        adjusted_grad = grad * sf
        return super(LayerwiseLROptimizer, self)._resource_apply_sparse(adjusted_grad, var, indices, apply_state)

    def get_config(self):
        # Get the configuration of the parent class
        config = super(LayerwiseLROptimizer, self).get_config()
        # Add the custom attributes to the configuration
            "alpha": self.alpha,
            "learning_rate": self.learning_rate
        return config

    def from_config(cls, config):
        # Extract the custom attributes from the configuration
        alpha = config.pop("alpha")
        learning_rate = config.pop("learning_rate")
        # Create a new instance of the optimizer using the extracted attributes and the remaining configuration
        return cls(alpha=alpha, learning_rate=learning_rate **config)

When I attempt to load a model that uses this custom optimizer, it doesn’t return anything. However, the issue disappears when I swap out the custom optimizer with a built-in one like Adam. It’s important to note that the optimizer works perfectly and achieves exactly what I needed it to do.

What I’ve Tried:

  1. Custom Objects During Loading: I ensured that I provided the custom optimizer as a custom object when loading the model.
  2. Checking Model Path: I’ve verified that the path to the model is correct and that the model file exists.
  3. Model File Integrity: I’ve tried loading other models to see if the issue is specific to this particular model file.
  4. Keras Version: I’ve ensured that the version of Keras I used to save the model is the same as the one I’m using to load the model.

Current Workaround:

Currently, I’m setting the include_optimizer argument to False when saving the model. After loading the model, I reinitialize the optimizer:

model.save(f"{directory_paths['experiment_models_directory']}/model.h5", include_optimizer=False)

This works, but I’d like to find a solution that allows me to save and load the model with the optimizer’s state intact.

Hi @Elgridge, tf.train.Checkpoint is used for saving both model and optimizer. For more details please refer to this document. Thank You.