Hello everyone!
I am trying to modify the TensorFlow source code in order to add decryption functionality that will decrypt the encrypted saved_model.pb
and its associated files (such as variables.data-00000-of-00001
and variables.index
) and load them into memory without saving them back to disk. This process depends on the return value of the decryption function, which determines whether the content is loaded from a string or a stream.
I have successfully implemented this functionality for the saved_model.pb
file by modifying mainly this file. However, I have been facing challenges in implementing it for the variables files. I am currently confused about how the variables are read in the code.
It seems that the processing of variables occurs in this section of the code (link):
const string variables_directory =
io::JoinPath(export_dir, kSavedModelVariablesDirectory);
// Check for saver checkpoints in v2 format. Models exported in the checkpoint
// v2 format will have a variables.index file. The corresponding
// variables are stored in the variables.data-?????-of-????? files.
const string variables_index_path = io::JoinPath(
variables_directory, MetaFilename(kSavedModelVariablesFilename));
bool variables_index_exists,
internal::FileExists(Env::Default(), variables_index_path));
if (!variables_index_exists) {
LOG(INFO) << "The specified SavedModel has no variables; no checkpoints "
"were restored. File does not exist: "
<< variables_index_path;
return OkStatus();
const string variables_path =
io::JoinPath(variables_directory, kSavedModelVariablesFilename);
// Add variables to the graph.
Tensor variables_path_tensor(DT_STRING, TensorShape({}));
variables_path_tensor.scalar<tstring>()() = variables_path;
std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs = {
{string(variable_filename_const_op_name), variables_path_tensor}};
AddAssetsTensorsToInputs(export_dir, asset_file_defs, &inputs);
RunMetadata run_metadata;
return RunOnce(run_options, inputs, {}, {string(restore_op_name)},
nullptr /* outputs */, &run_metadata, session);
When I inspect the value of variables_path_tensor
, it only shows ./variables/variables
as the path, which is the prefix and not the full path (e.g., ./variables/variables.data-00000-of-00001
Now, I am uncertain whether what I am trying to achieve is even possible. If anyone can suggest a way to store the content of the variable file in a variable (after decrypting the file) and pass it to the rest of the code, I would greatly appreciate it. Since I am also new to C++.
Those are the locations where the varibales are proccessed I think: 1 → 2 → 3 → 4
Thanks a lot in advance.