Java Object Detection Helper

Hey there,

I build a library for using TensorFlows shared models in Java, and running inference on them. I saw a lot of people struggling with inference in Java, so I created Java-TF.

Manage and load different saved models
Run inference on Images and return detections in a custom Model
Cut out the images and give them back in a List
Draw bounding boxes around Detections, with scores, colors and classes

Check it out if you want to, thanks :slight_smile:

That link returns a 404 for me unfortunately.

Oh no, please let me fix that

Thanks for sharing @preafixed , I think the title of your project is a bit misleading though, as “Java-TF” is basically a wrapper of “TF Java” but specialized for image detections, am I correct?

Yes sir :slight_smile: It makes Object Detection way easier, you are right the title should be something with Object Detection.

Thanks for the advice!

If somebody wants the github page just write me your github name and I’ll add you!

Have some problems right now making it public again bruh.

My github name is pyrator

ML Kit can object in each image, get their respective location but for detailed documentation that includes code sample and see the evaluate and iterate autoML images objection detection model.

I’m interested, my github is jjlopezre

Im interested, please if you could share it. Github: Hekk4